Historic: This site was for very active grammar blog. Unfortunately, my client Kathleen Watson passed away in a car accident in early 2020. It is so very sad.
Historic: This site was for very active grammar blog. Unfortunately, my client Kathleen Watson passed away in a car accident in early 2020. It is so very sad.
I was the baker’s client before she became mine. I bought packages of cookies then had the idea to serve them at a sculpture opening. After she experienced one failed attempt at a web project, Sandy Hunter hired debwork.com to create her web presence.
There is no error #8329754 documentation on BackupBuddy but here is what worked for me: The Problem: Error #8329754. Error retrieving fileoptions file `..wp-content/uploads/pb_backupbuddy/fileoptions/m5g6068f4h.txt`. Error details `ERROR_EMPTY_FILE_NON_CREATE_MODE`. Error information & troubleshooting: http://ithemes.com/codex/page/BackupBuddy:_Error_Codes#8329754 How nice of BackupBuddy to give us an error page – too bad it is not found. This worked for me: Deleted 2 […]
By request from a web client, here is how to update or add an email signature with a text hot link (hyperlink). If you would like an image link in Gmail, it is not hard but Gmail adds an annoying border around it. Here’s my trick on how to get rid of that. Log into […]
Historic post: The care and feeding has been handed over to another web designer after eight years as I am slowing down my web design practice.
Content is king. There was little SEO work done on my part, yet their articles have had amazing position on SERPS.
Historic: This WordPress site for a therapist retired along with the practitioner. She moved many of her articles to a personal blog.
Elegant Themes are wonderful but Epanel does not provide an option to display or hide sidebar and footer widgets for mobile. The default is to hide so you have to figure out how you unhide them each time you use a responsive theme by Elegant. Add this to your CSS: /* display sidebars and footer […]
If you landed here it is because you have tried Explorer > right click on .pdf file > set default to Adobe Pro control panel > default programs > .pdf > set default to Adobe Pro swipe right edge > settings >change PC settings > search and apps > defaults > choose default > change […]
In a widget, Gravity Forms name fields need full width How do you get first name and last name to be vertical instead of horizontal? When you are integrating with a mailing list you must have the advanced name field to map to MailChimp’s or AWeber’s database. Gravity forms premium support is fantastic but sometimes […]