Screenshot of website header which is really pretty brought to you by Striking. Fall colors in the slideshow.

Website for Articles ~ Center for Healthy Thinking

Screenshot of masonry presentation of blog articles

A WordPress site is for a discussion group that had been meeting for awhile. They wished to publish articles by several authors which support the notion that “thoughts shape attitudes”. The non-commercial self-empowerment website is structured using blog categories to enable site visitors to find articles that would be of most interest to them.

Content is king. There was little SEO work done on this site, yet their articles have had amazing position on SERPS.

Responsive? Yes, of course
Client since: 2014
SSL? Yes
Referred by: internet search

I can’t thank you enough Deb for all you did to make sure we met our target date. Very exciting for me. Now I just need to get those articles flowing!