I just added Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin (GASP) check box to a WordPress site but wanted to change the text style. If you are looking for the CSS path here it is: div#comments form#commentform p#gasp_p
I just added Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin (GASP) check box to a WordPress site but wanted to change the text style. If you are looking for the CSS path here it is: div#comments form#commentform p#gasp_p
A good relationship with a client can outlive the live website. Most of my clients have moved on because of no longer offering their particular services. Playing a primary role is health concerns and going back to full-time employment. It’s always sad when a client leaves my care but how can I complain when I get […]
I gave this site a new look and then progress got stalled by a death in my family. Someone sent me a poem about friendship but I think it could easily apply to web clients too. Let us give thanks Let us give thanks for a bounty of people. For children who are our second […]