There is no error #8329754 documentation on BackupBuddy but here is what worked for me:
The Problem:
Error #8329754. Error retrieving fileoptions file `..wp-content/uploads/pb_backupbuddy/fileoptions/m5g6068f4h.txt`.
Error details `ERROR_EMPTY_FILE_NON_CREATE_MODE`. Error information & troubleshooting:
How nice of BackupBuddy to give us an error page – too bad it is not found.
This worked for me:
- Deleted 2 cache plugins (they were already deactivated but sometimes deleting helps)
- Updated BackupBuddy plugin
- AHA – the license info was missing because I had changed plans – fixed that!
Thus and so the problem might just be no license or it might have been a conflict with one of the cache plugins. Either way it’s bad form to not help us out. iThemes must know what is going on here.
The backup was totally smooth after that. Good Luck