Portfolio Picture order in Strikingr Theme (one experience)

Striking documentation - my misunderstanding

Portfolio Picture order in Strikingr Theme (one experience)

Striking Mutliflex theme is fantastic (see sites used) but I had a problem figuring out how to get images in the exact order preferred by the website owner.


Exact placement of pictures in portfolio display

Parameters at play:

  • ids select items on id basis comma seperated (optional)
  • orderby : no, page, author, post-id, title, date, random, parent-id, nr of comments, modified date (optional)
  • order : DESC, ASC (optional)
  • (for full list see Striking shortcode documentation)

Shortcodes that did not work.

Striking theme order number for portfolio display

#1 Order By Page Ascending:

[portfolio sortable="false" cat="rings" current="rings" height="180" column="4" title="false" desc="false" more="false orderby="page" order="ASC">]

The idea for this is to add an order number (sometimes referred to as “page order number” in the Portfolio Item. It looks like this:

Aside Suggestion: use increments of 10 when you first set it up so it is easier to change the order later.

#2 List of id numbers in the order desired:

[portfolio sortable="false" cat="rings" current="rings" height="180" column="4" title="false" desc="false" more="false" ids="237,248,275,266,267,249,252,265, (etc)"]

Striking shortcodes that did work:

#1 Fix for order by page Ascending:
Remove the parameters orderby=”page” order=”ASC”! (I don’t know why but now it works)

[portfolio sortable="false" cat="rings" current="rings" height="180" column="4" title="false" desc="false" more="false"]

#2 Fix for List of id numbers:
There is no problem with the shortcode I used but the misconception is that it displays in the order written in the shortcode. The ids list is “what to include” but does not dictate the order so the attribute “order” works in conjunction with the ids list. Of course if the list of ids is the entire category. This is just extra work.

[portfolio sortable="false" cat="rings" current="rings" height="180" column="4" title="false" desc="false" more="false" ids="237,248,275,266,267,249,252,265, (etc)"]

Here is the help forum discussion on this topic. We were having a small communication difficulty so I wrote it up my findings here.

Link to where you can purchase Striking
btw I’m not getting anything out of recommending it, no residual deals here.