Thanks for starting things quickly. This will help give my runners the information they need.
Kettle Moraine 100 Endurance RunsBlue Mounds, WI
Yes and Yes, I see the basic website is perfect to get started. This is looking good.
Kettle Moraine 100 Endurance RunsBlue Mounds, WI
I hope you know that all my frustration was with FB and none with you. You are the best!!
The Facebook post you suggested was genius! Thank you.
That is great, o’ goddess of the interwebs!
I am so glad I asked! It reminds me of a little gem I picked up somewhere:
“If you want compliance tell somebody HOW to do something. If you want commitment, tell them WHY.”
Thanks for telling me ‘why.’
That looks really great! Thanks. I dont pay you enough. 🙂
Awww. That looks so nice. Thank you!
I forget how really beautiful our site is since I don’t look at it often. Thank you for helping us create it. It still inspires me.
Thanks for taking care of us!